
about wallpapers overflow

Wallpapers Overflow provides a wide range of HD wallpapers and image collections from the web for your desktop, iPhone, iPad, Android, and any smart device.


You've come this far because you're curious about this website and its creators.
We are a two-man team from Asia, Jacob, and Vegas. This website was created in 2019 with the sole purpose of solving users' problems and making their daily lives easier.

Addressing the problem

Finding the best background for your device I'm not happy with the background design of my laptop and smartphone because I'm a graphics design enthusiast. I have to deal with it on occasion. As a result, I must consult several sources in order to find the best design for me. According to surveys, this is a problem that many people all over the world face.

Providing the solution

We have resolved this issue for ourselves and the rest of the internet. So we launched this website and began manually handpicking the most beautiful and amazing wallpapers and backgrounds and arranging them in a proper hierarchy by topic and interest. Users can now browse beautiful wallpapers based on their interests and topics all at once, eliminating the need to click around.

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